The Rivet sight of InvArch

Right from InvArch’s embryo stage, it has been on it’s account to organise a way by which tokens are birthed from a creative mind and form a decentralized collaboration, it’s service are strictly to perpetuate an occurrence on it’s own thereby bringing together a bunch of reasoners, creative people, and to become firm under one ecosystem, hence, permitting these new ideas to be conceived in a way that skills and resources from around the globe experience a boom. This great platform allows the foundation for new decentralized marketplaces and businesses to shrew forth, Hence spreading it’s tentacles to access and opportunity through a variety of startups, apps, and services. The platform isn’t leaving the fact that all actors and resources of the product/business development process to connect, grow, and operate on one platform. This is a proof to express and demonstrate the sublimeness of inVarch.
However, This article simply sheds more light on about The focus of the InvArch project, it is simply to develop a platform where individuals can mint & store their ideas and concepts for innovations as NFTs called intellectual property tokens (IPTs). Users can form partnerships, call decentralized entrepreneurial ventures (DEVs), between the author of an IPT and users whoo have the skills and/or resources to actualize the idea.
In the same vein, I’m sure we have in one way or another heard of this three-letter code word favored by crypto utopians. “DAO,” short for “decentralized autonomous organization.” A DAO is essentially a corporate governance structure built around crypto — an exclusive club, where the price of admission is paid in tokens. Holding a certain amount of tokens or NFTs makes you a member of the club, which usually gives you access to a paywalled channel in a Discord server. This however gives a passage to allow balance and entrepreneurship rather than an opportunity.
So, the developers of this platform are positive that when there’s an elimination of barriers of trust through blockchain technology and providing a network to serve as a gateway to better utilize this new technology, new ideas will be able to pop up and would of course happen practically with undiluted transparency, and yet, would be Fun!…. Like its stated earlier, This article simply sheds more light on about The focus of the InvArch project and about how it is simply to develop a platform where individuals can mint & store their ideas and concepts for innovations as NFTs called intellectual property tokens (IPTs). So, options are being worked on to make this platform even better than it’s supposed “best” now.
Summarily, InvArch platform, which can also be tagged as “Invention, Involvement, & Investment Arch” platform has its eye and mind set to Think of an IPS as an idea/innovation that consists of one or more components that help define that idea/innovation, also a Multi-layer IPS: an IPS can own and inherit the metadata of another IPS (intellectual property set) which refers to any intellectual creation, such as literary works, artistic works, inventions, designs, symbols, names, images, computer code, etc. … Thus, intellectual property is an umbrella term encompassing both copyright and industrial property, such as trademarks, patents, and inventions.