Wisdom Oguzie
3 min readAug 22, 2020



The Blockchain world keeps improving and changing . Which is a good thing as change is constant . Blockchain is bringing the next generation of internet.
For example Ethereum a platform for launching decentralized applications (dApps) that will change the way

products and services are consumed and used . But before I go further. Most Machines do function slowly when it lacks the required space and can result to loss of data and sometimes unnecessary damage .
DApps uses lots of data storage and management and Etheruem was not built for that as this will consume lot of space and cause unnecessary delay .

That's where Bluzelle comes in
Just like decentralized services like Filecoin and Storj are needed for file storage & management;

there is a need for data storage
& management. Bluzelle is a decentralized, on-demand, scalable

database service for dApps.

Bluzelle fills a need and is complementary to the other components

to make the decentralized Internet complete. Without these decentralized components, the

decentralized Internet would not be able to run efficiently and scale to massive use.

Bluzelle is a decentralized data network for dapps to manage data in a secure, tamper-proof, and highly scalable manner. Bluzelle is powered by Cosmos and its BFT technology Tendermint. Bluzelle is designed to be used by any dapp on any blockchain.

Important features of Bluzelle

  • Performance

    Bluzelle’s unique and proprietary swarming techniques were designed for the highest

    performance. Bluzelle can reduce latency by retrieving data from the nearest nodes on the leaf

    swarm, and/or increase speed manyfold by retrieving data in parallel from the fastest nodes on

    the leaf swarm. This is like torrents and seeds. When data is requested, it is done in parallel

    where chunks (shards) are requested from all the different swarms that contain those shards, and

    these are all retrieved in parallel, resul_ng in desirable performance metrics.
  • Reliability

    Using the concept of fog or swarm compu_ng, Bluzelle follows a model where every unit of data

    is 100% replicated in a single leaf swarm amongst a swarm of swarms. So while the data is only in

    one swarm, that swarm’s nodes are aplenty and are geographically dispersed, immune to localized

    outages caused by either natural or human-related events.
  • Scalability

Scalability is possible both horizontally or vertically. Bluzelle manages the various strategies and

considera_ons around the use case of having to increase scale. Horizontal scaling is a

cornerstone of the Bluzelle architecture, where every swarm is another “unit” of horizontal

scaling at the metaswarm level. Within every leaf swarm, every node acts as yet another agent of

horizontal scaling, at the leaf swarm level.


  • Highest privacy: Bluzelle employs cryptography and sharding techniques to provide a

    privacy guarantee.
  • High reliability: Bluzelle redundantly stores tiny pieces of data on nodes across the

    globe, eliminating any single point of failure.
  • Enterprise scalability : Bluzelle algorithms store data in a unique, distributed and intelligent

    manner that will provide enterprise-level scalability.
  • Data immutability : Bluzelle leverages blockchain technology so that once data is stored to

    such a network, it is impossible to change that data.
  • High performance speeds: Bluzelle dynamically adjusts the number and location of nodes sharding

    the consumer’s data to meet performance metrics.
  • No intruders: Bluzelle’s use of consensus is the only method by which updates to the

    network can be accepted as the “truth”.
  • Low cost: Bluzelle operates few data centers and has little capital costs. Vast

    majority of computer resources are provided by participant producers.

Bluzelle is a decentralized database service for dApp developers. To ensure developers get the

highest throughout in performance, reliability and scalability, Bluzelle implements swarming

technologies. A swarm is a large group of nodes (computers) that work together to store and

manage data. Nodes in these swarms can go down and new nodes can come up with min



Wisdom Oguzie