In blockchain technology, a testnet can be called an instance of a blockchain-powered by the same or a newer version of the underlying software, to be used for testing and experimentation without risk to real funds or the main chain. Testnet coins are separate and distinct from the official (mainnet) coins, don’t have value, and can be obtained freely. However, Testnets can be reset at any time.
Now talking about the Sukhavati network which is a Paramount parameter of this article can be explained as a decentralized cloud service network focused on storage. At the consensus layer, it provides a secure and low-consumption consensus ledger based on the Proof-of-Capacity (PoC) mechanism. At the storage layer, it makes full use of the advantages of the hardware-based Trusted Execution Environment (TEE) technology and designs a new decentralized storage verification mechanism: Efficient Proof-of-Spacetime (EPoSt), which enables a significant number of small network storage devices to participate in the network and provide trusted computing resources. However based on these infrastructures, Sukhavati will build a decentralized data access gateway that covers both Web3.0 and Web2.0 storage services and that provides unified data storage, retrieval, and management services that can meet various local compliance requirements for Web3.0 applications. So the aim of this network is sole to inspire and incentivize improvements to the distributed storage ecosystem, promote it as the true infrastructure of the next-generation Internet, and expand a wide range of application scenarios for the implementation of the Web3.0 vision.
Moving forward, Testnet 4, a recently launched one is seen actually as a real plot testnet and will be discussed in the following steps repping the Testnet 4 Farming Tutorial (Windows & Linux) below;
To begin with is to download the Testnet 4 GUI client, the one that suits your OS anyway, . Linux and Windows are supported. Both CLI and GUI clients are available. The CLI client is more suitable for professional users and more flexible. However, GUI clients is the model to be used in this article. Following the download, the next step is to Decompress and grant permissions
For Windows: Unzip the zip file into any folder you like. Note that all files must be extracted because the GUI client cannot be executed in a zip archive.
Locate the ‘Skt. exe’ and double-click it to run. Click “Run anyway”.
And for For Linux, The AppImage file doesn’t need to be decompressed, but you need to grant execute permission to it first by simply executing the following;
Using command line, Locate the downloaded file and execute the following command: $ chmod +x Skt-2.2.3-beta-linux-test.AppImage
Having done this, Select a data store directory, When you run the GUI client/wallet for the first time, you will be prompted in which directory to store Sukhavati Blockchain’s chain data and configuration files. The default path is the ‘.skt’ directory in the current user’s home directory. However, you also can select an appropriate path according to your disk space status. The chain data will grow over time. Create a new account then Keep your mnemonic phrase safe
and of course, you should the mnemonics in a safe place (note: the order of words is important) and click “Next”. Following these processes, the next action is to set up a password and you’d be left with Syncing with the blockchain
Click on the account you just created, and you will be navigated to the Full Node page. You can view the status of your full node here. It should now be syncing with the chain. It will take some time to complete the sync then you import Chia Private Key.
To do this, Open the Chia client, copy the ‘Chia Private Key’ you want to import later, and Open the Sukhavati GUI Client, on the ‘Farm‘ page, click the three dots icon in the upper right corner, and select ’Import Chia Private Key‘. Following this, click ‘Add Plot Directory’ in the ‘Your Harvester Network’ section, then select the directory where you store the fake plot files in the pop-up window. This will order the harvester to scan that directory and add plots to it. It may take some time to finish the scan. Once this is done, it’s done, you should see the Plot Count value on the Farm Page updated.
On the Farm page, click the three dots icon in the upper right corner and select ‘Manage Farming Rewards’. Paste the ‘receive address‘ here and click save. The payout address for farming rewards should then be set. Following this, viola! You can Start farming by clicking start on the farm page.
In summary, The farming doesn’t really start until your full node completes syncing with the blockchain, even if it’s already in the ’Farming‘ status. The system will wait for the block synchronization to complete before farming. And of course, Block Reward will have a maturity period of 1000 blocks, and you can only transfer these SKTs after the maturity period.