
Wisdom Oguzie
1 min readMay 31, 2024


By harmoniously integrating components across Arbitrum and the native Injective mainnet, inEVM is able to offer a developer experience like no other.

For instance, inEVM is able to leverage INJ as its native gas token which is previously unheard of in the world of L2 rollups. In addition, inEVM is able to offer the same familiar dev tooling found on Ethereum such as Hardhat and Foundry. All of this is achieved while retaining the lightning fast speeds and low gas fees found on Injective itself.

inEVM not only enhances transaction processing efficiency but also underscores Injective’s dedication to fostering a user-friendly and economically sustainable ecosystem.

Furthermore, inEVM transactions can qualify for participation in Injective’s innovative Burn Auction. This auction mechanism systematically burns a percentage of all protocol fees on a weekly basis. Injective’s Burn Auction serves to capture protocol value for all users, offering benefits to participants across the ecosystem — be they users, community members, or developers.



Wisdom Oguzie